Peter Dulborough


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Touch’ (2025) Album


Recorded at ‘Mad Jaguars Studio’ in Florence, Italy 

Guitars, keyboards & all musical arrangements: Mat Grey 
Acoustic guitar and vocals: ‘La Marti’ (Martina Magionami)
Drums and percussion: Eugenio Nardelli 
Trumpet: Samuele Cangi

‘Touch’ album (2025)

This is a concept album of 8 tracks following a journey of touch through people and places that have given me strength and inspiration. A sense of nostalgia and the spirit of  home pervade. Each song is a portrait and has a dedication. There is a song for my grandfather (Touch) and my aunt (Where the Pole Star lies) as well as a friend who was an artist (John’s Colours). Then a track inspired by musician Nick Drake ( ‘A Golden Thread’) who is a musical hero. Finally, a re-interpretation of a favourite family poem called The Lady of Shalott (‘Leave the Shadows’).

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Touch’ (2024) Lead Single

‘Touch’ single (2024) Released December 6th 2024.

This is the title track taken from the album. It was co-written with Mat Grey, who is the producer of Mad Jaguars Studio. Matt’s rich and bold arrangement and orchestration was a labour of love and his dedication to this album and above all this song is quite remarkable. ‘Touch’ is steeped in nostalgia for my childhood garden there and the peace and spiritual strength I found there. It is also dedicated to my maternal grandfather whose energetic spirit and love were so important to me when I was a child. The song is an anthem to finding strength in adversity and believing in the power of ‘hope when there’s nothing left to hope.’

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‘The Music of the Stars’ (2024) 

Album of songs & music from musical inspired by ‘The Little Prince’

Recorded at ‘Blue Moon Rec Studio’ in Florence, Italy 

‘The Music of the Stars’ album is a musical inspired by ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. An album of 22 songs & musical pieces with a mixture of styles from classical chamber music to pop-rock as well as music hall numbers. Arrangements for flute, clarinet, oboe and cello as well as piano ballads and jazz infused pieces reflect the musical journey. 

The second single (& video) ‘Time to leave’ is an atmospheric and pulsating retro 60s inspired keyboard song with richly arranged vocal parts that create a hopeful drive and vision. 

The first single & video  ‘Time to Blossom’ (released on December 5th 2023). It has elements of dark melancholy combined with uplifting choruses, as reflected in the style of Peter Gabriel.

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‘From Afar’ (2024)  ‘La Marti’ with SoundZanobi

Co-written: Peter Dulborough and ‘La Marti’ (Martina Magionami) 

Recorded: ‘Blue Moon Rec Studio’ with ‘La Marti’ and SoundZanobi

Special thanks to: La Marti (vox and guitars), Carlo Gardenti (bass) and Leonardo Foggi (drums).

The Ancient Greek believed the earth was the centre of the universe and the planets revolved around it creating a divine music. This ‘musica universalis’ or ‘music of the spheres’ couldn’t be heard by mortals on earth, but only by immortal souls. 

This gave me the idea for a metaphor for creativity. Inspiration is unpredictable and can never be forced. It’s like hearing the ‘music of the spheres’ for a moment – then it’s gone! Divine music revealed ‘from afar’ for few brief seconds before it evaporates into the night sky. As it falls effortlessly to the ground, we need to catch it and not let it escape into thin air. This inspiration needs our response, or it passes us by. We need to act upon it and use this precious gift, or risk losing it forever.

I wrote ‘From Afar’ with La Marti and it was recorded with SoundZanobi. It became an experiment in sound and inspiration in the studio. I enjoyed setting the scene with the piano and organ moods. La Marti was inspired in creating a beautiful tapestry of guitars and sublime vocals that glide effortlessly through the skies with starry assurance in a moving and mesmerizing performance.

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‘The Fixer’ (2022)

Recorded at ‘Blue Moon Rec Studio’ in Florence, Italy

A tight EP of six songs on the theme of understanding emotions and being in touch with our feelings. Elements of jazz shine through the piano on tracks like ‘Heading for the Shore’ while ballads ‘Shooting Star’ and ‘As the Sun sets now’ have more classic undertones and contrast to indie bops of ‘The Fixer’ and ‘Pressure Cooker’.  

Click to listen 

Jigsaw Collection (2006-2014)

A collection of studio and live recordings from a different projects available on SoundCloud  link

Fire and Light / Where the Pole Star lies (Single) 2014

The Halls of your Mind (EP) 2013  

‘Jigsaw’ CD (collection of 11 studio and live recordings from 2006-2009)

‘The Sunset at Dawn’ A brilliant arrangement and orchestration by my old school mate Colin Shaw.

‘The Tide’ A metaphor for love that seems at times to be disappearing on the outgoing flow. As we stand on the shoreline looking out to sea, we feel the pain of love leaving us. However, although the tide is going out, it never takes our love. 

‘Jigsaw’ is a song that links this collection together. Recorded in Devon with classic analogue technology. On the inset cover of the Jigsaw CD I wrote: “To listen to someone is a gift. Like patiently putting back the pieces of a broken jigsaw puzzle. Scattered emotions become whole, and without even noticing, through patient listening, vision is restored. Songs and music have the same effect, as our scattered emotions are restored, and the jigsaw puzzle is remade”.